photo of people gathering in room

About Us

Who we are

We are a people committed to loving Jesus with all that we are and to love the city of Cape Town. 

We are a non-denominational, bible believing church that welcome everyone who comes through our doors. 

Our Leaders

Pastors Josh and Meg Cooke passionately love the local church. They wholeheartedly believe that Jesus and His Church are worth giving their whole lives for.

Josh and Meg grew up in the UK but have lived and led church in different nations around the world. From Uganda and Cambodia to three different cities in the UK, they have been leading in local churches for over 10 years.

In March 2020, they felt God calling them to move to Cape Town to lead Freedom Church. Since the end of 2020, they have had a beautiful baby girl, Evelyn, and have put down roots in the city.

Their vision is to build a multi-racial church that cuts through socio-economic barriers across South Africa. This is the pathway to building a healthy church. They dream about people from different racial, national and socio-economic backgrounds, sitting across dinner tables building deep, vulnerable friendships together.


These are our church core values and give you a sense of who we are and the kind of community that we are building here in Cape Town.

Our messages

Each week, our local teaching team bring messages of hope and inspiration. Messages that aim to bring you closer to a life-changing relationship with Jesus.

Freedom Cape Town
Freedom Cape Town
The Cave – Week 1